a less humorous side to michaela coel

September 24, 2018

words by: Vane Karolle

Just as in the past year, black UK cinema stead-fasts bid farewell to the vibrant, hilarious, unique  Michaela Coel-scripted comedy - Chewing Gum ( Coel has however promised a third season), fans of the British-Ghanaian film star finally have something to look forward to. 

Michaela Coel pictured in character as Tracey Gordon, in Chewing Gum / Giphy.com

Michaela Coel pictured in character as Tracey Gordon, in Chewing Gum / Giphy.com

The Chewing Gum creator star is set to lead in new BBC and Netflix show, Black Earth Rising, which based on the trailer, is a lot less humorous as opposed to the rib-tickling antics of Tracey Gordon’s as seen on Chewing Gum.

In the new Hugo Blick-created series, Coel plays Kate Ashby, who (in her 20s works in the law offices of Michael Ennis as a legal investigator (John Goodman of Roseanne). The story, which is set across the UK, Europe, Africa and the U.S., sees a Britain raised Ashby who was rescued as a young child during the Rwandan genocide and adopted by Eve Ashby (Harriet Walter), a world-class British prosecutor in international criminal law.  

When Eve Ashby takes on a case at the International Criminal Court, prosecuting an African militia leader, Michael and Kate are pulled into a journey that will change their lives forever. 

For most, this is an exciting development thus proving Coel's versatility as an actor. Critiques and fans alike have gone on to dub the labyrinthine 8-part thriller series "inspirational" as deduced  from the story line- the portrayal of a woman with strength and integrity, seeking justice in a socially prejudiced world.

Black Earth Rising will be available to stream on Netflix later on this year and will air on BBC Two in the UK.

For some intrigue, see trailer above.

Feature Image c/o Vogue.